What An Incredible Morning:
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
So I'm off to my new job at my old job this morning and I find that my commuter car has been absconded. I have to say I feel violated but I'm thank full that the THIEF wasn't trying to break in the house.
So here's a dramatic recreation of me in my car (mine was grey not light blue):
Here's me at my first day of work after they stole my car:
Yeah One Incredible Day.
by Col.Smeag | 2 comments
Email this postThomas Jefferson Is Helping Barry Win The WHite House:
Thursday, October 23, 2008
by Col.Smeag | 0 comments
Email this postLaugh Out Loud !!!!
Monday, October 20, 2008

by Col.Smeag | 2 comments
Email this postVroom Vroom Vrooooooom!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Here's something fun to do Find out what kind of sports car you are
I'm a Ford Mustang!
You're an American classic -- fast, strong, and bold. You're not snobby or pretentious, but you have what it takes to give anyone a run for their money.
"Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.
by Col.Smeag | 1 comments
Email this postAn American Carol:
Friday, October 3, 2008
Following Rush Limbaugh's lead I am also plugging "An American Carol" that premiers today.
Lot's of Right wing conservative Hollywood stars stuck their neck out to make this film to throw in the face of Liberals like Michael Moore. Here's the preview. Take a look at least maybe buy it on DVD when it comes out it is a David Zucker film, he did the Airplane Movies.
by Col.Smeag | 0 comments
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