What Do I Look Like With Hair?  

Thursday, March 20, 2008

I was asked today what I look like with hair. Most male heterosexual men will look on that question and either get offended or take the high road and joke and say "What do you mean I have no hair?" and every one laughs and the question is soon forgotten. Well not me! I neither take offense or make a joke. I give it to them straight. I used to look like Luke Skywalker (not after Mark Hamill's car accident but before), except I was twice the size and never could pull those Yoda carrying flips he was able to pull off in Return Of The Jedi. So since I have no imediate pictures of myself with hair I had to make do and pull one from the archives of me dressed like Huggy Bear for Halloween. I think I look better with no hair in both cases. More like Mr. Clean who hasn't gone to the gym in a few weeks.

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