Thanks for Your Vote...Ummm I Mean Support...:
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tonight Congress (well the Liberal Democrat) passed the "I just won the political lottery and I'm going to spend money like I'm going to Disneyland with a ship full of drunken sailors" Stimulus package today. The only thing this package is stimulating is the pockets of those who got Barry elected. Here's a list of what Socialist Republic of America just cashed a check for:
- $1 billion for Amtrak, the federal railroad that hasn’t turned a profit in 40 years
- 50 million for that great engine of job creation, the National Endowment for the Arts;
- $400 million for global-warming research
- $2.4 billion for carbon-capture demonstration projects.
- There’s even $650 million on top of the billions already doled out to pay for digital TV conversion coupons.
- $40 billion for broadband and electric grid development, airports and clean water projects that are arguably worthwhile priorities.
- $20 billion for business tax cuts
- The Department of Education gets a whopping $66 billion in this bill
- $335 million for sexually transmitted disease education and prevention programs at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Additional millions to groups like ACORN (aka we signed up The Dallas Cowboys to Vote in Ohio)
(see links for credit on info)
All in all about $554 BILLION will be spent on spending while only about $275 Billion in tax cuts for taxpayers and Businesses. Luckily all 177 Republicans and even 11 Democrats voted against the Spending Spree 2009 act. Regrettably 1 Republican had to leave early (it's unknown if he had a note from his Mommy to go home early or if he left for a valid reason). However you look at it the economy is going to go in the toilet unless of course you an artist, a teacher or road and bridge contractor. You could always teach STD prevention or install digital T.V. converter boxes...insert wire A in to Slot B... really. Let's face facts if you don't know much about how the economy works your going to think I'm just a right wing nut job. The thing about this "light bulb" inspired economic rape is that they think they are fooling anyone with a bit of sense. They are paying off their voters. Every bit of money being spent is going toward a Liberal Agenda driven idea. Extreme arts, Green Companies, Education, Infrastructure, Welfare recipients, etc ... Don't worry I think Joe Bidden is staying up late tonight to start printing more worthless money.
thanks to :
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