Sure Thing Boss...
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Have you ever not been sure if your being mocked or being shown respect? Recently I had the delightful opportunity to have dinner with my wife and her family at California Pizza Kitchen. I'm a Ravioli guy. Not a big fan of the creative pizza choices such as the Vegetarian w/ Japanese Eggplant (Mozzarella cheese, baby broccoli, grilled Japanese eggplant, roasted corn, sliced red onions, mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes and our tomato sauce. Also available with mild goat cheese. Recommended on honey-wheat dough).

but I's some good kooking... our server came over to take our orders and I asked him to start on the other side, not because I'm picky but I like to try new things. I always peruse a menu carefully before making up my mind, I was pretty settled on the "Four Cheese Ravioli" (Good pick BTW), but I was not quite ready to commit to it. So after asking the waiter to take mine last his response was "Sure thing boss." Let us pause here and consider this title he had bestowed on me for the evening. If he had said "Sure thing Hoss." I know he would have been referring to the fact that I am large in stature, Kind of like Nephi , but more like the Apple guy in the Fruit of the Loom adds. Lots of territory.
However he didn't he also could have said " Sure thing Klaus" Referring maybe to my German/ Dutch Heritage (Yes I am white), yet again he didn't he said " Sure thing Boss". He put me in charge. Not any one else just me. What a burden. Here I am trying to have nice relaxing evening from World Domination and this kid had put me back in charge. Needless to say I was the only one labeled as "The Boss" at the table. All night anything I asked for it was "Sure thing Boss" in response. It was finally noticed by the family that I had been labeled and laughter ensued. Now that it was out in the open I had noticed several of the youngsters at work calling me "Boss" , and a polite middle aged lady at work had told me that I reminded her of her Father because I had a " authoritative voice."
Some how strangers and acquaintances have put the burden of being the "Boss" on me and I hope I can live up to the Olympian task set before me as "The Boss" . Now since I'm the "Boss" and you are not here's a list of work I want done before I get up from the nap I will be taking under my desk.
Wash my car
Pick up my cleaning
Pick up my dog and get him a manicure or pedicure ....whatever
Take my 3rd cousin twice removed (by police) and show him how to clean the public facilities at any Circle K ....cause DANG they stink.
Weed my yard and then for a grand finale'
I would like a Peanut Butter and Strawberry Jelly sandwich with the crust cut off a bag of Lay's Potato Chips and a Ice Cold glass of Milk.

June 16, 2009 at 1:55 PM
I was quite composed until I read: Take my 3rd cousin twice removed (by police)...