Diving Blindly for Fishes  

Thursday, August 9, 2007

In an effort to stay consistent I have made a pledge to myself to post every day " weather permitting". I decided to look over Ben's own blogs and discovered this "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing". Benjamin Franklin To tell the truth I have thought of writing before ,however no story noteworthy enough has come to my mind. thirty four years of writers block really does something to a guy. It's not like they make some sort of soothing minty medicine that can unstop a clogged brain. I'm only now learning how to use spell check, my last job only required me to use consonants it was like texting to morons for 5 yrs . They always thought NO was an abbreviation for something greater. So now that I seem to have more time on my hands I can write the greatest paperback ever, but I still am lost for a story. The last week has certainly been a interesting week in the world from bridge collapses to miners being trapped, in retrospect looking back I certainly hope I never have an experience like they will to write about.

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